House District 83’s Hometown Candidate

Join us at the Helena DoubleTree Hotel on Wednesday, June 19 at 6:30 p.m.

Born and raised in East Helena and Helena it is important to me that our House District is represented by a candidate that lives in the district and doesn’t take constituents for granted. Throughout my career, I have focused on community-driven solutions, enhancing educational opportunities for students, and connecting public and private resources for those in need.

Important Work and Accomplishments

Community Involvement

Military Support

Workforce Development
Economic Development

Working Together on Issues

Property Tax

Through collaborative efforts and responsible fiscal management, we can reduce overall property tax rates while ensuring strong support for school districts and local municipalities, also allowing Montanans to keep what they've earned.


Montana families should have the choice of where they send their children to school. Instead of being dictated by physical location, our students can now seek the educational opportunity that fits their needs and goals. In the end, the result should be higher standards and better schools for all students.


Personal values drive me to support childcare and early educational initiatives. To support the family and sanctity of life, we must find ways to bolster early childhood education and services. Not only is this a faithful pro-life stance, but a workforce and economic development necessity. 

Workforce Development

Responsible workforce development includes creative training and recruitment solutions. From eliminating income tax on retired veterans,  to unique apprenticeship models for certification, to incentives to fill critical workforce shortages; the possibility exists, it just needs to be enacted.

The most important job I have is that of a husband and dad. I have been blessed with an extraordinary wife to share life with and the most incredible boys to raise. Our family continues active involvement in educational, athletic, and civic engagement. If we’re not supporting the East Helena Vigilantes or the Helena Bighorns, we’re out enjoying the splendor of Montana’s land and beauty.